Polkachu Blogs - Governance

Save Planet the Right Way

Save Planet the Right Way

By Polkachu Team | 2023-03-01

We all want to mitigate climate change and save planet. The key question is how to do so effectively while still allowing people to opt out without demonizing their individual...

CosmosHub Prop 101: Abstain By Not Voting

CosmosHub Prop 101: Abstain By Not Voting

By Polkachu Team | 2023-02-10

CosmosHub Prop 101 is beyond the scope of the thought leadership that we can assume as a validator. Not only a vote of "Yes", "No", or "No with Veto" feels...

People vs. DAO Politicians

People vs. DAO Politicians

By Polkachu Intern | 2023-01-28

The biggest enemy of an early crypto project is not centralization, but DAO politicians who wave the decentralization flag for their personal gains.

What Have You Done Lately? An Open Letter to Grow Juno SubDAO

What Have You Done Lately? An Open Letter to Grow Juno SubDAO

By Polkachu Team | 2023-01-20

Grow Juno SubDAO was established 2 months ago with the passing of Prop 49. Since then we have heard little about the progress. Now we have two community funding props...

In the Interchain, the Only Viable Business Model is to Make Something Other Chains Want

In the Interchain, the Only Viable Business Model is to Make Something Other Chains Want

By Polkachu Team | 2022-10-20

In an IBC-connected Interchain world, the only viable business model is to make something that other chains want. A big advantage of the Interchain is that every chain can specialize...

IBC Will Not Make Cosmos a Hub; That's Great News

IBC Will Not Make Cosmos a Hub; That's Great News

By Polkachu Team | 2022-05-04

Should Cosmos Hub be a hub to offer a stable base layer for the whole ecosystem, or should it live on the cutting edge of innovation with the rest of...

Change Vote to "No With Veto" on Juno Prop 16

Change Vote to "No With Veto" on Juno Prop 16

By Polkachu Team | 2022-03-14

Change Vote to "No With Veto" on Juno Prop 16

People vs. Juno Whale

People vs. Juno Whale

By Polkachu Team | 2022-03-11

Our Vote: Yes on Juno Prop 16