Security Policies

1. Access Control:

  • Define user roles and permissions based on job responsibilities.
  • Implement strong authentication mechanisms such as multi-factor authentication (MFA) for administrative access.
  • Regularly review and update user access privileges to ensure least privilege principle is followed.
  • Limit direct access to sensitive directories and files through proper server configurations.

2. Data Protection:

  • Encrypt sensitive data in transit using SSL/TLS.
  • Use encryption for storing sensitive data in databases.
  • Implement proper data retention and deletion policies.
  • Regularly monitor and audit data access to detect unauthorized activities.

3. Vulnerability Management:

  • Regularly scan the website for vulnerabilities using reputable security tools.
  • Promptly patch and update software, including the web server, CMS, plugins, and other components.
  • Have a process in place to respond to and mitigate newly discovered vulnerabilities.

4. Secure Development:

  • Follow secure coding practices and conduct regular code reviews.
  • Use parameterized queries to prevent SQL injection attacks.
  • Validate and sanitize user inputs to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.
  • Avoid hardcoded credentials and sensitive information in the codebase.

5. Security Monitoring:

  • Set up intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS) to monitor for malicious activities.
  • Monitor system logs, server logs, and network traffic for signs of unauthorized access or anomalies.
  • Implement real-time alerts to notify administrators of potential security incidents.

6. Incident Response:

  • Develop an incident response plan outlining steps to take in case of a security breach.
  • Identify and designate a response team with clear roles and responsibilities.
  • Regularly conduct drills and simulations to test the effectiveness of the incident response plan.

7. Physical Security:

  • Ensure physical servers are stored in secure locations with restricted access.
  • Implement proper environmental controls to prevent unauthorized access and tampering.

8. User Education:

  • Provide training to employees on security best practices, including phishing awareness and password hygiene.
  • Educate users about the risks of sharing sensitive information and credentials.

9. Third-Party Integrations:

  • Review and assess security practices of third-party services and integrations used on the website.
  • Regularly monitor and update these integrations to ensure they don't introduce vulnerabilities.

10. Regular Audits and Assessments:

  • Conduct periodic security assessments and audits to identify potential weaknesses.
  • Engage third-party security professionals to perform penetration testing and code reviews.