Governance Participation

Proposal ID
Explorer Link
Comdex 56 Updating frozen/expired client for comdex-1 <> gravity-bridge-3 Link Yes LFG!
Comdex 55 Revive Evmos IBC client Link Yes LFG!
Agoric 21 Agoric Cosmos Zero: Offset Agoric Validator Set Signaling proposal Link No While we support reducing carbon footprint as a climate-friendly validator, we fundamentally believe that it is wasteful of the collective effort to go chain-by-chain on an annual basis to solicit carbon credit. There must be a better way.
Akash 31 Akash Cosmos Zero: Offset Akash Validator Set Signaling proposal Link No While we support reducing carbon footprint as a climate-friendly validator, we fundamentally believe that it is wasteful of the collective effort to go chain-by-chain on an annual basis to solicit carbon credit. There must be a better way.
Evmos 98 Governance Consensus: Only Elected Officers May Represent the Will of the Chain Link No With Veto This is getting ridiculous. We are strongly against governance proposal spams.
Stride 10 Redelegate Stride's Cosmos Hub Validator Set Link Yes LFG!
Injective 196 Trade and Earn rewards allocation Link Yes LFG!
Canto 34 Governance Proposal to Fund Rewards for Canto Online Hackathon Chapter 1, Season 3 Link Yes LFG!
Quicksilver 2 Onboard Stargaze (stargaze-1) onto Quicksilver Link Yes LFG!
Crescent 34 Reallocation of LP farming plan - LUNA and LUNC pairs Link Yes LFG!