
Prop 146: Make Stargaze the Sponsor of Game of NFTs Phase 2 Hackathon

##Make Stargaze the Sponsor of Game of NFTs Phase 2 Hackathon

This proposal is requesting approval to allocate 2874035.15 STARS (approximately USD $50k) from the Stargaze Community Pool to make Stargaze the sponsor of the Game of NFTs (GoN) Phase 2 Hackathon and cover the prizes for Stargaze Challenge winners.

As a sponsor of the GoN Phase 2 Hackathon, Stargaze will be able to own a dedicated track and name a challenge, discover projects, select and reward winners. This will bring new and more innovative NFT and IBC NFT dApps/projects into the ecosystem, fund talented developers and builders, and benefit the community with a brighter cross-chain NFT future.

The prize pool of Stargaze challenge will be:

  • 1st Place: $25k in STARS
  • 2nd Place: $15k in STARS
  • 3rd Place: $10k in STARS

Judges of Stargaze challenge will be:

  • humanalgorithm
  • ……

Stargaze is able to decide and invite judges of the challenge freely.

Judges will award prizes only in case the submissions are of high quality and meet all the criteria outlined in the challenges, and any surplus will be returned to the community pool.

Multisig Committee:

  • humanalgorithm, Stargaze
  • Ömer | alkadeta, Stargaze validator
  • Mitch, Bianjie Engineering Director
  • Evie, IRISnet Community Manager

Multisig address: stars1a4c37lwq0096cwctkg2sq726q4fz6sc0dyduf7

Full details: