Governance Participation

Proposal ID
Explorer Link
Kujira 194 [Revised] Instantiate Local Money protocol Link Yes LFG!
Kava 122 Kava Rise payouts for Dec 2022 Link Yes LFG!
Canto 38 Community Pool Spend Link Yes LFG!
Canto 39 Governance Proposal to Update Comp Speeds in Canto Lending Market Link Yes LFG!
Comdex 66 Add stATOM - CMST Asset Pair Link Yes LFG!
Comdex 67 Migrate Harbor Governance Contract to new code Link Yes LFG!
Comdex 64 Add Axelar WETH - CMST Asset Pair Link Yes LFG!
Comdex 65 Add Axelar WBTC - CMST Asset Pair Link Yes LFG!
Stargaze 107 Update Marketplace Listing Fee Link Yes This proposal seeks to increase the marketplace listing fee to 5 STARS. Good way to prevent spam listing.
Sommelier 31 [SIPS-030] Authorize the Real Yield USD Cellar Link Yes LFG!