Governance Participation

Proposal ID
Explorer Link
Kichain 3 Inflation and Community tax parameter change Link Yes LFG!
Canto 40 Governance Proposal to Signed Blocks Window Link Yes LFG!
Persistence 16 Parameters Change for better distribution of inflation Link Yes This is a text proposal for some important changes to the network. While more analysis is needed for each item in the proposal, we agree with the general direction of this proposal.
Kujira 205 Migrate Entropy Beacon to v2.1.1 Link Yes LFG!
Osmosis 406 Regular Incentive adjustment for 2023-01-23 Link Yes Routine adjustment
Osmosis 407 Regular Incentive adjustment for 2023-01-23 Link Yes Routine adjustment
Kujira 204 Create Senate CW3 Group Contract Link Yes LFG!
Comdex 70 Proposal to add liquidity mining incentives to cSwap pools : phase-6 Link Yes LFG!
Comdex 68 Add Axelar Wrapped BNB as Asset Link Yes LFG!
Comdex 69 Add Evmos as Asset Link Yes LFG!