Governance Participation

Proposal ID
Explorer Link
Osmosis 456 Establish new Core StableSwap pool (USDC/USDT) Link Yes LFG!
Bitcanna 10 Upgrade Codename: Vigorous-Grow-fix - v1.6.1 Link Yes This upgrade fixes a nasty bug.
Kujira 288 Update Instantiate Config: FIN v1.0.5 Link Yes LFG
Kava 130 Addition of ETH price feed Link Yes LFG
Osmosis 451 Whitelist Apollo Vaults for stATOM/ATOM Link Yes LFG!
Juno 271 Juno v13 Upgrade Link Yes This upgrades brings FeeShare Module, TokenFactory Module and CosmWasm v0.30.
Planq 5 Yieldmos Fee Coverage Link Yes LFG
Planq 6 Harryono Channel Creative Video Fund Support Link Yes LFG
Osmosis 454 Upload Cross-Chain Swap Contract Link Yes The Crosschain Swaps contract enables trades on Osmosis to be carried out remotely from another chain connected to Osmosis by IBC.
Osmosis 453 Regular Incentive adjustment for 2023-03-06 Link Yes Routine adjustment.