Governance Participation

Proposal ID
Explorer Link
Crescent 206 Reallocation of LP farming plan - Incentivize CANTO pair Link Yes LFG
Kujira 291 Deploy stOSMO-stATOM FIN Market Link Yes LFG
CosmosHub 647 ATOM Airdrop for COSMOS stakers ⚛️ Link No With Veto LOL
Kujira 289 Upgrade Fuzion Plasma (Otc) Smart Contract to v1.0.1 Link Yes LFG
Planq 7 Quantum market grant request Link No The team did not disclose their track record to show the capabilities to make such product.
Comdex 112 Enforce minimum 25% of initial deposits on gov proposals to avoid spam proposals on chain Link Yes LFG
Agoric 29 New Airdrop Available 🪂 Link No With Veto LOL
CosmosHub 646 ATOM Airdrop for COSMOS stakers Link No With Veto LOL
Gravity 153 Gravity Bridge to go Carbon Neutral, CosmosZERO Follow-on to Proposal 108 Link No There are many ways to use market-based approaches to minimize our carbon footprint and maximize the impact of Regen carbon market, but chain-by-chain carbon offset proposals are not the way:
Osmosis 457 Signalling Proposal for OSMO/CMST incentives Link Yes LFG