
Prop 173: Re-introduction of MARS staking rewards for a period of 2 months

This is a copy/pasta discussion proposal to re-instate staking rewards for MARS stakers. With the upcoming move to Neutron, there is no need for a 12 month schedule.

	Re-introducing staking rewards for MARS stakers will cost the protocol very little in the grand scheme of things and will help foster strong community support. Viewed as a marketing spend, I believe this will generate goodwill within the community.
	## Summary
	This proposal aims to 1) obtain 1.5M MARS from the community pool funds and 2) Use these MARS to help secure the Mars Hub by rewarding Mars Hub stakers for a period of 2 months.
	## Abstract
	This proposal suggests that Mars Hub stakers are collectively rewarded 750,000 MARS per month for a total of 2 months (i.e. a total of 1.5M MARS). We also propose here that the Mars Community approve a spend of 1.5M Mars from the Mars Community pool to fund these rewards.
	## Motivation
	There are currently no staking rewards for MARS stakers and therefore no commission generated by Mars Hub validators.
	## Specification
	It is proposed that 2 months of rewards be implemented pursuant to this proposal.These MARS rewards would be taken from the community pool on Mars Hub and rewarded directly to validators/stakers on the Mars Hub.
	## Implementation
	This proposal, if successful, will be binding and enforced as it requires only on-chain infrastructure and can be implemented automatically upon the voting period elapsing. To do so, the MsgCreateSchedule message shall be executed. This will automatically obtain the required funds from the community pool and distribute the rewards to stakers every block
	This proposal, if successful, will create an on-chain reward schedule with the following parameters:
	| Parameter  | Value                         |
	| ---------- |-------------------------------|
	| start time | February 19, 2024 18:00:00 UTC|
	| end time   | April 19, 2024 18:00:00 UTC   |
	| amount     | 1,500,000 MARS                |
	The amount will be released linearly between the start and end times, pro rata to all stakers.