Proposal ID
Explorer Link
Osmosis | 388 | Community consent Cosmos Pay supporting OSMO | Link | Yes | LFG! |
Juno | 72 | Community consent Cosmos Pay supporting JUNO | Link | Yes | LFG! |
Umee | 35 | Listing Proposal: Add Support for JUNO | Link | Yes | LFG! |
Umee | 34 | Listing Proposal: Add Support for HUAHUA | Link | Yes | LFG! |
Umee | 33 | Listing Proposal: Add Support for stATOM | Link | Yes | LFG! |
Quicksilver | 1 | register cosmoshub-4 zone | Link | Yes | LFG! |
Osmosis | 387 | Regular Incentive adjustment for 2022-12-19 | Link | Yes | LFG! |
Canto | 32 | Community Pool Spend | Link | Yes | LFG! |
Kujira | 118 | Open the Orca Liquidation Queue for the wBNB USK Market | Link | Yes | LFG! |
Kujira | 117 | Enable wBNB as a collateral type for USK | Link | Yes | LFG! |