Governance Participation

Proposal ID
Explorer Link
Kujira 143 Enable LUNA price oracle Link Yes LFG!
Kujira 141 Deploy local-USK FIN Market Link Yes LFG!
Kujira 142 Instantiate whLOCAL<>LOCAL Swap Contract. Link Yes LFG!
Persistence 15 Whitelist Dexter team's address for permissionless code storage and instantiation Link Yes LFG!
Osmosis 396 Regular Incentive adjustment for 2023-01-09 Link Yes Routine adjustment.
Comdex 59 Proposal to add liquidity mining incentives to cSwap pools : phase-4 Link Yes LFG!
Comdex 60 Add Gravity Bridge USDC as Asset on comdex network Link Yes LFG!
Kujira 140 Upgrade CALC Finance CALC-DCA v1.3.0 Link Yes LFG!
Kujira 139 Deploy LOOP-USK FIN Market Link Yes LFG!
Juno 85 CORRECTED: Make JUNO Carbon Neutral by Purchasing Eco-Credits Link No While we support reducing carbon footprint as a climate-friendly validator, we fundamentally believe that it is wasteful of the collective effort to go chain-by-chain on an annual basis to solicit carbon credit. There must be a better way.