Governance Participation

Proposal ID
Explorer Link
Kujira 155 Re-enable IBC Client to Stride Link Yes LFG!
Kujira 154 Deploy KUJI-LUNA FIN Market Link Yes LFG!
Kujira 152 Update Instantiate Config: USK Market v1.0.1 Link Yes LFG!
Kujira 153 Update Instantiate Config: USK Margin v1.0.1 Link Yes LFG!
Juno 87 Hack Juno Turkey Link Yes This proposal seems like a sincere effort to spread the awareness of Juno and CosmWasm in Turkey and the request amount is very reasonable.
Injective 198 Injective Mainnet Upgrade Link Yes This upgrade will improve EIP712 transaction parser, improve GRPC error handling, upgrade InterChain Accounts and set minimum protocol fee.
Terra 3796 ERIS Protocol Revised Grant Proposal Link No We voted No on Prop 3460 and we will vote No again on this one.
Canto 36 Increase the Canto blockchain decentralization by delegating to early validator supporters Link No With Veto This is a troll proposal!
Comdex 61 Add Gravity Bridge USDC - CMST Asset Pair Link Yes LFG!
Canto 35 Governance Proposal to Update Inflation Parameters Link Yes LFG!