Governance Participation

Proposal ID
Explorer Link
Kujira 216 Local Money Community Funding for Milestone 3 Link Yes LFG
Osmosis 418 Update Shentu IBC Client on Osmosis Link Yes LFG
Kujira 215 Deploy LINK-USK FIN Market Link Yes LFG
Juno 125 Fair and Equitable Distribution of Remaining Funds (corrected) Link No DEXs on Juno faces an existential question: Do the builders truly believe that they can beat app-chain DEX like Osmosis? If not, then they will just be an arbitrage hunting ground until the incentives run out. The strategic alternative is to pursue a "regional" DEX strategy. It can provide liquidity between CW tokens and the native JUNO tokens to support projects on the ecosystem. This way, we do not directly compete with app-chain DEXs, who will likely never bother to list these "minor" tokens. We believe in this strategy. Therefore, incentives for JUNO/ATOM, JUNO/USDC, and JUNO/OSMO make no strategic sense.
Juno 124 Fair and Equitable Distribution of Remaining Funds Link No DEXs on Juno faces an existential question: Do the builders truly believe that they can beat app-chain DEX like Osmosis? If not, then they will just be an arbitrage hunting ground until the incentives run out. The strategic alternative is to pursue a "regional" DEX strategy. It can provide liquidity between CW tokens and the native JUNO tokens to support projects on the ecosystem. This way, we do not directly compete with app-chain DEXs, who will likely never bother to list these "minor" tokens. We believe in this strategy. Therefore, incentives for JUNO/ATOM, JUNO/USDC, and JUNO/OSMO make no strategic sense.
Axelar 34 Axelar Airdrop ✅ Link No With Veto LOL
Crescent 74 USDC Airdrop 🔥 Link No With Veto LOL
CosmosHub 97 v8-Rho Link Yes LFG!
Gravity 118 Add CMDX Metadata to Gravity Bridge Link Yes LFG
Gravity 119 Add CMST Metadata to Gravity Bridge Link Yes LFG