Governance Participation

Proposal ID
Explorer Link
Osmosis 424 Signaling Proposal for ATOM/stkATOM Stableswap Pool External Incentive Match Link No The ATOM/stkATOM pool already has $1.7M liquidity. We believe that's enough depth of liquidity for a stable token swap. Plus, pStake already offers external incentive, so the LP providers are rewarded kindly already. Osmosis incentives are typically used to bootstrap liquidity, and we think it is unnecessary in this case.
Axelar 41 Increase Minimum Deposit for Governance Proposals Link Yes Way to go to prevent spam proposals!
Osmosis 423 Regular Incentive adjustment for 2023-02-06 Link Yes LFG
Crescent 84 New Airdrop Proposal 🪂 Link No With Veto LOL
CosmosHub 98 ATOM GROWTH DAO Growth & Developer Acquisition 2023 Link No Rather than funding those nebular marketing/BD project, we say let's use the money to fund Confio and further grow the already thriving CosmWasm developer community.
Axelar 40 ATOM / USDC Airdrop ✅ Link No With Veto LOL
Evmos 114 Register ERC20 for yEVMOS: Liquid Staking Token Link Yes LFG!
Axelar 39 ATOM Airdrop for COSMOS holders ✅ Link No With Veto LOL
Axelar 38 ATOM / USDC Airdrop ✅ Link No With Veto LOL
Teritori 6 Community Pool Spend Proposal for Osmosis Liquidity Incentives Link Yes LFG