Governance Participation

Proposal ID
Explorer Link
Kava 124 Kava 12 Mainnet Upgrade Link Yes Are we ready-ready this time?
Kava 123 Kava Rise payouts for January 2023 Link Yes LFG
Stargaze 112 Splits Contract v0.22.9 Link Yes LFG
Osmosis 425 Signalling Proposal for OSMO/BUSD (#899) incentivised pool Link Yes LFG
Osmosis 426 BUSD bootstrapping liquidity incentives Link Yes LFG
Axelar 43 ATOM Airdrop for COSMOS holders ✅ Link No With Veto lol
Canto 47 Governance Proposal to Fund CPMS and Plex Faucets Link Yes LFG
Axelar 42 USDC Airdrop Proposal 🪂 Link No With Veto LOL
Comdex 89 Proposal to build Syndicate Hub on Comdex Link Yes It is an unproven concept, but the ask amount is reasonable. Lets experiment!
Juno 144 Convert Core 1 to an Official SubDAO Link Yes YAASS!