Governance Participation

Proposal ID
Explorer Link
Gravity 131 Increase minimum proposal deposit Link Yes LFG!
Sommelier 36 Sommelier v5 - Incentives Link Yes This upgrade adds the incentives module and Ledger support for gravity bridge operations.
Stargaze 117 Stargaze Airdrop ✅ Link No With Veto LOL
Gravity 130 USDC Airdrop 🔥 Link No With Veto LOL
Kujira 262 Deploy CNTO-USK FIN Market Link Yes LFG
Kujira 261 Deploy KUJI-LOCAL FIN Market Link Yes LFG
Persistence 19 Upgrade v7 PersistenceCore Link Yes LFG!
Canto 49 Community Pool Spend Link Yes LFG!
Canto 50 Governance Proposal to Update Comp Speeds in Canto Lending Market Link Yes LFG!
Evmos 118 ERC20 registration for Stride Staked Assets (stATOM, stEVMOS, stOSMO, stJUNO, stSTARS and Stride) Link Yes LFG!