Governance Participation

Proposal ID
Explorer Link
Stargaze 133 Base Factory Contract v0.25.0 Link Yes LFG
Stargaze 134 Vending Factory Contract v0.25.0 Link Yes LFG
Stargaze 135 Base Minter Contract v0.25.0 Link Yes LFG
Canto 59 Governance Proposal to Fund Period 7 LM Emissions Link Yes LFG
Canto 60 Governance Proposal to Fund Rewards for Canto Online Hackathon Chapter 1, Season 5 Link Yes LFG
Osmosis 462 OSMO Airdrop 🧪 Link No With Veto LOL
Stargaze 132 Extend Osmosis Pool Incentives Link Yes LFG
Quicksilver 7 Upgrade quicksilver to v1.2.7 Link Yes This upgrade re-establishes closed ICA channels and enable inflation emissions. LFG!
Persistence 20 Dexter: Update Instantiate Config of LP Token and Pool Codes Link Yes LFG
Quicksilver 6 Upgrade quicksilver to v1.2.5 Link No This proposal is wrong because the upgrade time is 3 years out!