Governance Participation

Proposal ID
Explorer Link
Jackal 2 v1.2.1 Link Yes This upgrade allows the Jackal Network to start fulfilling its purpose as the Decentralized Storage Platform of the Cosmos.
Juno 275 Use Skip Tendermint By Default Link Yes LFG
Juno 274 Increase maximum per block gas to 100 million Link Yes LFG
Injective 208 Dual Incentives for Astroport Genesis Pools Link Yes LFG
Stargaze 139 Immutable Whitelist Contract v0.25.0 Link Yes LFG
Stargaze 140 Ethereum Airdrop Contract v0.25.0 Link Yes LFG
Stargaze 136 SG-721 Base Contract v0.25.0 Link Yes LFG
Stargaze 137 SG-721 Updatable Contract v0.25.0 Link Yes LFG
Stargaze 138 Whitelist Contract v0.25.0 Link Yes LFG
CosmosHub 703 Atom Airdrop 🪂 Link No With Veto LOL