Governance Participation

Proposal ID
Explorer Link
Comdex 141 Proposal to add liquidity mining incentives to cSwap pools : phase-18 Link Yes LFG!
Shentu 17 shentu-2.7.0 upgrade Link Yes LFG
Crescent 232 ATOM Airdrop ✅ Link No With Veto LOL!
Kujira 333 GHOST: Instantiate USK Vault Link Yes LFG!
Kujira 334 GHOST: Instantiate KUJI Vault Link Yes LFG!
Osmosis 487 Regular Incentive adjustment for 2023-04-17 Link Yes LFG!
Osmosis 484 Lengthen OSMO Emission Schedule Link Yes LFG!
Osmosis 485 Adjust the Ratio of Emissions Link Yes LFG!
Osmosis 486 Decrease the Superfluid Risk Factor to 25% Link Yes This is reasonable. We appreciate that the community has taken the time to evaluate the risks since the inception of superfluid staking. LFG.
Stride 198 Enable Autopilot Link Yes LFG