Governance Participation

Proposal ID
Explorer Link
Kujira 336 GHOST: Instantiate ORCA KUJI-xUSK Queue Link Yes LFG!
Kujira 337 GHOST: Instantiate ORCA USK-xKUJI Queue Link Yes LFG!
CosmosHub 790 Liquid staking module: Regulated and efficient liquid staking Link Yes Native liquid staking for the win!
Osmosis 488 Allow TFM Contracts to be Uploaded Link Yes TFM is a trusted developer with greta track records. Permissioned wasm chains like Osmosis should have such whitelist in order to attract developers (who typically hate red tapes) and compete with permissionless wasm chains.
Sommelier 46 [SIPS-039] Real Yield USD Fee Structure Change Link Yes LFG!
Kujira 335 Sending MNTA from the Community pool to the Senate multisig address Link Yes LFG!
Stargaze 159 Developer Royalties Update Link Yes It is good to give more incentives to developers because they are the most scarce resources in the blockchain space.
Kava 136 Addition of Multichain USDC,wBTC,USDT to Kava Lend Link Yes LFG!
Gravity 172 Orion Upgrade Link Yes This proposal upgrades Cosmos SDK to v0.45.13 and adds Cross-Bridge Balance Monitoring.
Evmos 143 Actionable analytics, management, and Incentives tools for liquidity providers by Revert Finance Link Yes Revert Finance makes great analytics, management, and Incentives tools to help kick off the upcoming evmos szn. LFG!