Proposal ID
Explorer Link
Osmosis | 856 | Substitute IBC client for Int3face | Link | Yes | LFG! |
Carbon | 382 | V2.53.0 Software Upgrade Proposal | Link | Yes | LFG! |
Nolus | 202 | Update Oracle Swap Tree (Osmosis AKT) | Link | Yes | LFG! |
Carbon | 381 | Disable stLUNA as Alliance asset on Carbon | Link | Yes | LFG! |
Mars | 200 | Reactivate expired IBC client for UX | Link | Yes | LFG! |
Akash | 273 | Akash Network Provider Incentives Pilot 02 | Link | Yes | LFG! |
Andromeda | 13 | Update Parameter for Staking Rewards Per Block | Link | Yes | LFG! |
Andromeda | 12 | Funding 25,000,000 ANDR to andr1eq368l7nr53kcpq3w27plmpq6u3ccmk0qwp72d for staking incentives | Link | Yes | LFG! |
Quicksilver | 48 | No Title | Link | Yes | LFG! |
Omniflix | 46 | Proposal for Strategic Token Exchange between OmniFlix and GATA HUB to Boost Decentralization, Liquidity, and growth. | Link | Yes | LFG! |