
Prop 9: Enable Inflation


This proposal suggests setting the inflation parameters for the OmniFlix Hub. The parameters for minimum and maximum inflation will be set at 32.5% and 33% respectively, with a change rate of 0.005.


The minimum and maximum inflation parameters are critical in maintaining the stability of the OmniFlix Hub network. The proposed parameters will allow for a range of inflation rates that will adjust based on the bonded ratio (total tokens staked). The change rate will determine the rate of change in inflation based on the bonded ratio.

If the total bonded tokens exceed 67%, the inflation rate will decrease, as most of the delegators will have delegated their voting power and the network is deemed secure enough from an economic attack. If the total bonded tokens are below 67%, the inflation rate will increase to incentivize delegation of voting power to increase it up to the threshold of 67%.

Future updates to inflation

Parameters will be updated to adhere to the tokenomics as required after or within the year. Further measures will be undertaken to avoid periodic updates.

Tokenomics of the FLIX token —


The proposed parameters for the OmniFlix Hub inflation are as follows:

  • Minimum Inflation: 32.5%
  • Maximum Inflation: 33%
  • Change Rate: 0.005

Voting Options

Validators can choose from the following voting options:

Vote YES to agree with the proposal Vote NO to reject the proposal Vote ABSTAIN to refrain from choosing a decisive option but to support the majority Vote NO WITH VETO if you see this as a harmful proposal to the future of the network