
Prop 488: Allow TFM Contracts to be Uploaded

This proposal gives the address osmo1e0x2hnhhwyek7eq3kcxu2x6pt77wdnwz0lutz9fespdr9utq963qr0y5p5 the ability to upload CosmWasm contracts to Osmosis without seeking further governance approval for each upload. This address is administered by TFM protocol builders.

TFM’s contracts have been audited by SCV Security, with audit reports available to view here and additional checking as suitable for Osmosis here.

These include a Limit Order contract which provides a more advanced trading experience as well as Router contract which enables the splitting of trades between multiple routes to obtain the optimal price for users by minimising slippage in any one pool.

Governance approval for contract upload was originally intended to keep the set of DApps running on Osmosis consistent with its objective of being a DeFi hub for the Interchain.

While this proposal gives authority for osmo1e0x2hnhhwyek7eq3kcxu2x6pt77wdnwz0lutz9fespdr9utq963qr0y5p5 to permissionlessly upload CosmWasm contracts to Osmosis, governance only signals approval for contracts relating to the function of TFM’s trading and aggregation products.

About TFM

TFM’s mission is to provide an aggregation service in the crypto space across all major blockchains, bringing convenience and efficiency to projects and users, and driving ecosystems growth and mass adoption. Initially deployed on the Terra blockchain, TFM aims to expand into more networks connected by IBC, and ultimately to EVM and other blockchains. Website: https://tfm.com

Commonwealth Thread:https://commonwealth.im/osmosis/discussion/11110-allow-tfm-contracts-to-be-uploaded