
Prop 159: Developer Royalties Update

As discussed here:


This is to update the Developer Royalties distribution in order to provide a higher incentive for developers to build on Stargaze. This fee is included in the Fairburn mechanism when a developer's custom contract is utilized.


How does Fair Burn work?

All fees received by Stargaze are 100% Fair Burned. That means when no developer royalty is present: -50% of $STARS are burned -50% STARS are returned to stakers

Developer royalties are within the first half, which means the current distribution looks like this: -10% dev royalties -40% burned -50% returned to stakers


When no developer royalty is present (No Change): -50% of $STARS are burned -50% of $STARS are returned to stakers

When Developer Royalties are present: -50% dev royalties -50% burned


Vote Yes: To update the Developer Royalty allocation to increase the incentive for developers to build on Stargaze.

Vote No: To keep the status quo.