
Prop 224: Reallocation of LP farming plan - 2nd year distribution and incentivize HARBOR pair

This governance proposal is to redistribute the current incentives for each pair and to initiate newly incentivized pairs and weight adjustments.

HARBOR/bCRE pair incentivization forum discussion:

The Crescent Foundation proposes the following farming weights below::

  • Newly Incentivized Farming Pair (per day)
    • HARBOR/bCRE: 4,500 CRE
  • Farming Amounts Adjustment (per day)
    • bCRE / CRE: 10,397 CRE > 10,000 CRE
    • ATOM / USDC.grv: 9,370 CRE > 9,500 CRE
    • bCRE / IST: 937 CRE > 900 CRE
    • bCRE / CMST: 937 CRE > 900 CRE
    • USDC.axl / USDC.grv: 1,874 CRE > 1,500 CRE
    • IST / USDC.grv: 937 CRE > 900 CRE
    • IST / USDC.axl: 937 CRE > 900 CRE
    • CMST / USDC.axl: 937 CRE > 900 CRE
    • CMST / USDC.grv: 937 CRE > 900 CRE
    • stATOM / ATOM: 468.5 CRE > 450 CRE
    • stkATOM / ATOM: 2,811 CRE > 2,800 CRE
    • stEVMOS / EVMOS: 468.5 CRE > 450 CRE
    • ATOM / bCRE: 32,795 CRE > 33,000 CRE
    • GRAV / bCRE: 2,811 CRE > 3,000 CRE
    • BLD / bCRE: 5,622 CRE > 6,000 CRE
    • INJ / bCRE: 2,811 CRE > 3,000 CRE
    • CMDX / bCRE: 2,811 CRE > 2,500 CRE
    • LUNC / bCRE: 937 CRE > 1,000 CRE
    • LUNA / bCRE: 4,216.5 CRE > 4,500 CRE
    • JUNO / bCRE: 5,622 CRE > 7,500 CRE
    • AXL / bCRE: 5,622 CRE > 7,500 CRE
    • OKT / bCRE: 4,216.5 CRE > 4,000 CRE
    • EVMOS / bCRE: 5,622 CRE > 7,500 CRE
    • MARS / bCRE: 5,622 CRE > 7,500 CRE
    • CANTO / bCRE: 5,622 CRE > 7,000 CRE
    • IRIS/bCRE: 5,622 CRE > 7,500 CRE
    • Reserve(Module Account): 12,900 CRE