
Prop 4716: Lion DAO Treasury Grant

The Lion DAO was created to test, demonstrate & promote Enterprise.money - the automated, no-code DAO creation tool recently launched on Terra by TFL. Alongside this, we aim to showcase the various tools & protocols that Terra has to offer through partnerships & integrations. Finally, we want to support the Terra Builders' strategy of showcasing the power of Cosmos & IBC.

This proposal requests 50,000 LUNA to be transferred to the Lion DAO treasury in order for the DAO to be able to demonstrate & implement various DeFi strategies using LUNA both on-chain & interchain across the Cosmos.

We have an opportunity to continue to promote and bring attention to the Terra blockchain by granting a LUNA allocation to the Lion DAO treasury that can be used to demonstrate both the power of Enterprise.money & the utility of LUNA both on-chain and beyond.

This can also serve as an example to builders that if they come and build on Terra & generate some activity there’s a path to community pool funding where needed.

For full details of the Lion DAO proposal please see here: https://agora.terra.money/discussion/11084-lion-dao-treasury-grant

If this proposal is approved - we will deploy an additional 25Bn (2.5% of total supply, 5% of circulating supply) of the DAO governance token as an airdrop via a Coinhall Genie campaign on top of the 50Bn that was already distributed through that methodology. Full details on the airdrop criteria TBC.