
Prop 4715: Backbone Labs - Audit Request

As discussed in https://agora.terra.money/discussion/10945-backbone-labs-audit-lp-proposals this proposal is to audit the boneLuna suite of contracts.

We believe in good security hygiene, and as such, we believe we should re-audit our codebase on a regular basis, to ensure our systems still up to date with the latest good security practices, and the people using our systems are in good hands.

In order to do so we are asking the Terra community for ~35k USD of Luna to fund this.

The funds will go directly to the audit provider.

We have selected SCV to lead this audit. SCV has conducted previous audits on this codebase, and are quite familiar with liquid staking, and have audited our contracts before.

If this proposal is successful, SCV commits to converting the Luna to USDC, and refunding any different back to the community pool