
Prop 220: Initiation of 2nd year LP farming plan

This governance proposal is to initiate a 2nd year LP farming plan. The 2nd year LP farming plan will continue to incentivize the current 1st year plan. The revised incentive farming plan will be applied once the 2nd year LP farming plan governance proposal is passed.

The Crescent Foundation proposes the following farming weights below::

  • Unchanged Farming Amounts

    • bCRE / CRE: 10,397 CRE
    • ATOM / USDC.grv: 9,370 CRE
    • bCRE / IST: 937 CRE
    • bCRE / CMST: 937 CRE
    • USDC.axl / USDC.grv: 1,874 CRE
    • IST / USDC.grv: 937 CRE
    • IST / USDC.axl: 937 CRE
    • CMST / USDC.axl: 937 CRE
    • CMST / USDC.grv: 937 CRE
    • stATOM / ATOM: 468.5 CRE
    • stkATOM / ATOM: 468.5 CRE
    • stEVMOS / EVMOS: 468.5 CRE
    • ATOM / bCRE: 32,795 CRE
    • GRAV / bCRE: 2,811 CRE
    • BLD / bCRE: 5,622 CRE
    • INJ / bCRE: 2,811 CRE
    • CMDX / bCRE: 2,811 CRE
    • LUNC / bCRE: 937 CRE
    • LUNA / bCRE: 4,216.5 CRE
    • JUNO / bCRE: 5,622 CRE
    • AXL / bCRE: 5,622 CRE
    • OKT / bCRE: 4,216.5 CRE
    • EVMOS / bCRE: 5,622 CRE
    • MARS / bCRE: 5,622 CRE
    • CANTO / bCRE: 5,622 CRE
    • IRIS/bCRE: 5,622 CRE
    • Reserve(Module Account): -27,173 CRE

    **The proposed farming weight reallocation will utilize the unused farming rewards accrued within the Module Account.