
Prop 135: Establish Kava Origin foundation


This proposal aims to establish a new independent Cayman Island foundation called Kava Origin. If this proposal passes Kava Origin will be responsible for stewarding the continued development and maintenance of the public and permissionless Kava blockchain. Kava Origin will be composed of the following roles:

[] Cobus Pietersen: Board Director
] Glenn Kennedy: Supervisor
[*] Leeward Management: Secretary and Registered Office

Kava Origin is an independent foundation responsible for stewarding development and innovation of the public and permissionless Kava blockchain; with an emphasis on initiatives such as scalability, security, consensus, decentralization, formal verification, and zero knowledge proofs.

Cobus Pietersen is a Cayman Islands based accredited director (Acc. Dir.) with 12 years experience in the financial services industry and 4 years with a focus on corporate governance. The director has extensive experience working with Cayman Islands foundation companies and DAO's and has advised a number of projects from incorporation to full operations.

Glenn Kennedy serves as an advisor to, and independent board member and supervisor of Cayman Islands foundations, funds, and their managers. In these roles, his focus is on corporate governance and legal and compliance matters, bringing over 20 years’ experience with formation, operations, regulatory and business law to his client boards.

Leeward Management’s secretarial personnel are drawn from legal backgrounds, with valuable experience gained in general counsel’s offices of public companies.