
Prop 153: Launchpad Vending Minter Contract v2.1.0

Store WASM Code

This uploads the code for vending minter, a contract for creating zero mint fee minters.

The source code is available at

### Compile Instructions

sh<br />docker run --rm -v \$(pwd)\:/code --platform linux/amd64 \\<br /> --mount type=volume,source=\$(basename \$(pwd)\)_cache\,target=/code/target \\<br /> --mount type=volume,source=registry_cache,target=/usr/local/cargo/registry \\<br /> cosmwasm/workspace-optimizer:0.12.13<br />

This results in the following SHA256 checksum:

<br />183de3d97ca11ce3d81cff72570895ba7ccfceec3fe6812dc8b5e79de72b2dca vending_minter.wasm<br />

### Verify On-chain Contract

sh<br />starsd q gov proposal $id --output json \\<br />| jq -r '.content.wasm_byte_code' \\<br />| base64 -d \\<br />| gzip -dc \\<br />| sha256sum<br />

### Verify Local Contract

<br />sha256sum artifacts/vending_minter.wasm<br /><br />