
Prop 4714: Revised Redacted Grant Proposal

Redacted — a trustless zero-knowledge protocol that provides entities with an easy-to-use way of securing on-chain transactions from prying eyes. Entities can now conduct their day-to-day transactions, such as salaries, purchases, or donations, without worrying about their privacy. But that is only a small piece of the puzzle.

This grant is to build the missing pieces:

  • Proof of Innocence (PoI) - Facing regulatory challenges, PoI builds upon the existing capabilities of Redacted and allows entities to prove that their deposits are not from sanctioned, blacklisted addresses or illicit activities.
  • The Interchain Privacy Suite; enables seamless redacting of interchain transactions, allowing anonymous transactions for all crypto users, initially available on any IBC/EVM chain.

Overall Goal: Redacted aims to enhance privacy, efficiency, liquidity, TVL, interoperability, and attractiveness of the Terra Ecosystem.

Total Distribution: (Vesting included) 500,000 (500k) $LUNA <> 1,000,000 (1M) $RED to the Terra community pool

Please visit https://agora.terra.money/discussion/10567-revised-redacted-grant-proposal for more details.