
Prop 137: Cancel software upgrade to v10.0.0

Testnet network of comdex was successfully upgraded to version v10.0.0 at block height 1845124.
However, few validators have encountered issues with the network after the upgrade, particularly related to the AppHash problem on their state machines.
This proposal is to cancel the mainnet upgrade to version v10.0.0 until we can rectify the issues experienced by the validators on the testnet network.
The team has identified the issue which is very intermittent but want to make sure it’s resolved before hand.
- By voting YES, you agree that software upgrade to v10.0.0 should be canceled.
- By voting NO, you signal that software upgrade to v10.0.0 should not be canceled .
- By voting ABSTAIN, you formally decline to vote either for or against the proposal.
- By voting, NOWITHVETO expresses that you strongly disagree and would like to see depositors penalised by revocation of their proposal deposit and contribute towards an automatic 1/3 veto threshold.