
Prop 150: Funding Request for Open Edition Minter Development

As discussed here:


*This is a request for 400,000 $STARS ($7,000 USD) to fund the development of an Open Edition Minter Contract.

*Expected cost is <$5,000, funds not used will be returned to the community pool upon completion.

*Half 150,000 $STARS (~$2,500 USD) will be paid to the developer (RAC ) upfront. Half will be paid upon completion.

*ETA for the contract development is 21 days or less.

*Funds for this request will be transferred to an existing multi-sig that was used for Prop #93. (stars1negwpql07lfqsa7mrtvl95y87w44fca38csxky) Reference:


The Open Edition Minter is a highly sought-after feature that not all marketplaces/blockchains have available. This will help onboard new creators and provides an easy way to test out Stargaze without investing a lot of time into creating a full collection.


Vote Yes: To fund the development of an Open Edition Minter on Stargaze at an expected cost of ~$5,000 USD.

Vote No: To vote against funding the development of an Open Edition Minter on Stargaze