
Prop 3: Bandwidth Reduction: Param change for Prooving Window

Param Change Proposal: Addressing Bandwidth Consumption

The Problem

Currently, Storage Providers are faced with a tight 20-minute timeframe for supplying each file, making it challenging to efficiently distribute proofs. As a result, providers are rushing to include their transactions in the earliest possible block to minimize lost time.

The Solution

The proposed remedy involves adjusting the proving window parameters. This will be done through a two-step parameter change within a single proposal. Firstly, the proof window will be extended from 50 blocks to 600, lengthening the window from 5 minutes to 1 hour. Secondly, the maximum window misses will be reduced from 3 to 2, meaning that a deal will be terminated after 3 full windows rather than 4.

The Proposal

A vote in favour of this proposal will lead to the alteration of the parameters on the chain. Voting against the proposal indicates disagreement with the bandwidth reduction method or a lack of perceived need for scaling. Casting a 'no-with-veto' vote signals the belief that the proposal is detrimental to the Jackal Protocol.