
Prop 471: Enable Superfluid Staking on OSMO/USDT

On passing, this proposal would enable Superfluid Staking on the OSMO/USDT (#831) pool on Osmosis.

## Details
Superfluid proposals ask whether governance trusts in the stability and security of the chain sufficiently to allow their tokens to have an influence on Osmosis governance.

This proposal would enable Superfluid Staking in the OSMO/USDT pool (#831).

If enabled at the current 50% discount rate, an additional ~88 thousand OSMO can be used to secure the network through staking.

## About USDT
Launched in 2014, Tether was the first stablecoin issued and remains the most prevalent stablecoin in use across the crypto ecosystem.

USDT is currently provided on Osmosis via the Axelar bridge.

Website: https://tether.to/

Commonwealth Thread: https://commonwealth.im/osmosis/discussion/10497-enable-superfluid-staking-on-osmousdt