
Prop 46: Q2 2023 Inflation Update Proposal

This is a follow up proposal as discussed in the commonwealth topic and per Proposals 11, 19, 20, 36, 42

We proposed a quarterly reduction rate which will slowly decrease it by 4.20% each time.

The process will slowly reduce the inflation for the next 4 years (until 2026) slowly reducing the inflation until we meet the new minimum rate of 10%.

Reducing inflation will reduce the selling pressure (even though we are still above the launching price) and would benefit the long term holders and early investors penalizing speculators and airdrop chasers.

Every three months there will be a new proposal signaling the new Parameter Change and the community will be asked to confirm the path we are going to follow regarding this matter.

Proposal of Changes

For this follow up proposal for inflation change, we are proposing the following changes:

Inflation Max: from 19,5% to 15,3%