
Prop 277: Protocol Owned Liquidity: wyJUNO/JUNO Staking Swap Pool

Proposal LSD has launched on WYND. The Staking Swap pools and leveraging of WYND DEX will allow for pools with deep liquidity and very low slippage. To learn more on the mathematics behind WYND LSD, see this Medium article.

This proposal is requesting 1,000,000 $JUNO from the Juno Community pool to the wyJUNO/JUNO pool as Protocol Owned Liquidity (POL). 500,000 $JUNO will be converted to wyJUNO and it will be deposited to the pool. The tokens will not be bonded (though this can be changed via Juno governance).


  1. This bootstraps the adoption of LSD assets on Juno as a whole which will drive tremendous value and TVL to Juno from other projects and ecosystems.
  2. The Juno community pool currently holds 16,067,447 $JUNO. This is losing 20% of its value this year due to the inflation rate. Half will be staked as wyJUNO which enables the community pool to earn revenue
  3. There will be no negative price impact to JUNO because it is a wyJUNO/JUNO pair which creates no sell pressure
  4. The Juno community will retain full control over these assets; POL, not externals
  5. There will be extremely limited IL due to the setup of the Staking Swap pool, see this article for more information Cons
  6. Because half will be staked, this will reduce the current overall APR from ~33.53% to ~33.23%, which represents a ~0.3% reduction. The establishment of deep liquidity in the wyJUNO/JUNO pool paves the way for vast DeFi opportunities on Juno and is expected to drive more LSD and DeFi adoption through current and future project synergies. The WYND team strongly feels that the minor APR reduction will be offset by increased on-chain activity and TVL growth resulting from this POL.

Multisignature The same multisignature address used in the first POL will be used for this proposal.


YES - You agree to provide 1,000,000 $JUNO from the community pool as Protocol Owned Liquidity to be deposited into the wyJUNO/JUNO pool NO - You do not agree to provide 1,000,000 $JUNO from the community pool as Protocol Owned Liquidity to be deposited into the wyJUNO/JUNO pool ABSTAIN - You formally decline to vote either for or against the proposal NO WITH VETO - You would like to see depositors penalized by revocation of their 1000 JUNO deposit, and contribute towards an automatic 1/3 veto threshold.
