
Prop 144: Stargaze Carbon Neutral Proposal

Stargaze is leading the way as a sustainable, carbon neutral NFT and Smart Contract platform.

This proposal asks for a spend of 78,125 STARS from the Community Pool to purchase and retire 500 tons of carbon credits to offset Stargaze’s 2023 carbon emissions to continuing being a carbon neutral blockchain.

If approved, 78,125 STARS will be transferred to multisig wallet stars15usuwmqg86h5n3tnvfkqksx6hxqwugtcu9vfps for the purpose of sending to a Regen Network Development, PBC. (Public Benefit Company) controlled wallet in exchange for 500 NCT (Nature Carbon Tons) to be retired at Stargaze retirement address regen1satwv984d3s0kmvnlh4wnf0enh5xwgaq6v7gsc

STARS will be sent in 12 month vesting state, which will allow for RND, PBC to stake with Stargaze validators, but tokens would not be transferrable until the end of vesting period.


  • Voting YES to this proposal indicates approval to address Stargaze’s carbon emissions footprint by purchasing Nature Carbon Ton to offset 2023.


  • Voting NO to this proposal indicates that this funding should not be allocated.


  • Voting NO WITH VETO indicates not in support, that a different follow-on proposal should be drafted, and that depositors should lose deposit.


  • Voting ABSTAIN indicates acknowledgement and participation in the governance process, but no opinion is wished to be expressed.


  • Stargaze blockchain Carbon Footprint was calculated using Method #2: Scale of Validator Operations

  • Based on feedback from carbon footprint data reported by validators of Regen Network, and applying Method #2, Stargaze is projected to emit at most 461.53 tons a year in carbon, negatively affecting our climate.

  • Method #2 calculations done by Bonzi

  • 500 tons will be used to provide a significant margin of assurance.

  • NCT will be acquired using Option 3: Carbon credits direct from Regen Network Development, PBC where RND, PBC will stake vested STARS received for a 12 month period.

    • Price of NCT is $2.75: 500 x 2.75 = $1,375
    • Price of STARS at time of writing is $0.0176 and WILL BE VALUE USED to exchange for 500 NCT
    • 78,125 STARS (1,375/0.0176) are requested from Community Pool

3/5 Multisig wallet comprised of community members / validators:

Gjermund | EmpowerChain ScottTpirate | Stargaze Community Dan | Qwoyn Studios αlphaβiota | LOA Labs

RND, PBC. representative: Sarah Baxendell | RND, PBC.

Cross-protocol Collaborations: Stargaze x Regen

Additional context relating to Stargaze NFT community:

The Cosmos ZERO team plans to mint an NFT collection on Stargaze which will represent the retired NCT and carbon neutral statuses of all Cosmos Zone protocols and validators who have offset their carbon emissions from 2017 through 2023 and have provided the appropriate TX hash as proof of the offset.

In addition, The Cosmos ZERO team is excited to support Stargaze's Earth Day NFT mint, by helping to curate and recruit #refi NFT artists. The team plans to seek funds from the Regen Community Pool to help co-fund some of the artists stipends, and potentially offer some NCT tokens to offset energy used to create the collection itself!


The environmental cost of blockchain technology is often cited as a problem that needs to be tackled before widespread adoption. Proof of Work consensus algorithms, such as those in use by Bitcoin and Ethereum, create an arms race of computing power in order for a miner to be the first to create a new block and so obtain the reward.

Cosmos’ Proof of Stake validation system drastically improves on this by making this competition take place over attracting more delegation of stake from users. Validators are not required to perform deliberately complicated calculations and so can run on relatively low power machines. However, these machines are still required to be online 24/7 and perform calculations to confirm each block as it is generated. This results in a carbon footprint for each blockchain in the Cosmos ecosystem.

Carbon Credits Industry

Carbon credits are real world financial assets (commodities) that are rapidly becoming tokenized onto blockchains. Demand for carbon credits is expected to become a $500 billion + industry by 2030, and is already a 6 billion annual industry.

CosmosZERO Program:

CosmosZERO Carbon Footprint Analysis:

Osmosis Carbon Market with Regen Network (passed):


Commonwealth Discord