
Prop 4706: '.io' multiplayer 2D shooter Grant Proposal

This grant proposal aims to develop a "io" multiplayer 2D shooter game on the Terra blockchain. The game will be a 2D browser-based alternative to popular games like Call of Duty and PUBG, offering a fast-paced time killer.

Gameplay preview (сurrent draft): https://youtu.be/cG6MUR_z2Ak

Funding request: 41k USD in LUNA (28873 LUNA at 1.42)

  • Development and coding: 30k
  • Assets (graphics, design, and sound): 5k
  • Marketing: 5k
  • Server infrastructure: 1k (including multiple VPS in North America, Europe, South America, and Asia)

Read more/Agora post: https://agora.terra.money/discussion/10318-io-multiplayer-2d-shooter-grant-proposal