
Prop 5: Onboard Regen-1 onto Quicksilver


The Regen Network is a community of actors engaging with ecological regeneration, ecological monitoring, verification, distributed computing and technology development, centered around Regen Ledger.

The Regen Community recently passed governance proposal #26 to enable Interchain Accounts, in preparation for onboarding onto Quicksilver.

The Quicksilver development team proposes onboarding the Regen Ledger (regen-1) onto Quicksilver allow Regen stakers to deposit of REGEN (uregen) and receive qREGEN (uqregen).


The onboarding of the Regen Ledger will be effective when the proposal passes at the end of the voting period. It will be added to the Quicksilver front-end shortly after completion.

Voting Outcomes

  • If you vote YES on this proposal, you approve onboarding Regen
  • If you vote NO on this proposal, you do not approve onboarding Regen