
Prop 276: Enable stATOM Oracle Feeds

This will add Stride's liquid staked stATOM to the on-chain Oracle price-feed, allowing it to be used for a collateral type for USK. For validators: use tag v0.1.0 of the price feeder. This version has been upgraded by mintthemoon and starsquid to support pricing of LSD assets, back-tested against the bLUNA-LUNA exchange rate, including the UST depeg event. N.B: this version uses Cosmos SDK 0.46, which migrates locally stored keys, making them incompatible with SDK 0.45 binaries including kujirad 0.7.1, so backup your keys accordingly. For using twvap calculation, a new option 'history_db' needs to be set in the price feeder config (consult the config.example.toml in the repo or https://gist.github.com/starsquidnodes)