
Prop 51: Raise the stATOM supply cap to 150K stATOM

This is a proposal to increase the supply cap for stATOM to 150K stATOM, or approximately $2 million worth.

When stATOM was whitelisted last week, the supply cap of 35.6K stATOM was quickly reached, which indicates strong demand for stATOM on Umee.

Raising the stATOM cap to 150K will increase usage of Umee, while still limiting the use of stATOM for the sake of safety.

This is a signaling vote. If passed, a second vote will be made to execute the necessary parameter change.

See full Commonwealth post here:

By voting YES on this proposal, UMEE stakers show their support for increasing the stATOM cap to 150K stATOM.

By voting NO on this proposal, UMEE stakers show their dissent for increasing the stATOM cap to 150K stATOM.