
Prop 438: Osmosis Proposal Standards

This proposal intends to supersede Proposal 199 by defining a set of standards for putting a proposal into voting period on Osmosis.

Proposals that have not met these criteria should be met with NoWithVeto.

# Standards
Governance proposals must be posted as a draft on Commonwealth for at least three days before being submitted to chain to allow feedback.

## CosmWasm Storecode Proposals
wasm-store, migrate-contract

CosmWasm StoreCode Proposals must contain the following information at minimum:
* Git Commit ID or release
* Version of Compiler used
* A description of the code's purpose for a layman

StoreCode Proposals must be posted with full text and links to the code to be deployed for a minimum of 7 days before being submitted to chain to allow deeper review.

# Exemptions
## Expedited Proposals
Proposals Utilising the --expedited flag implemented in V12

Any proposal utilising the Expedited status as defined in Proposal 278 is exempt from this requirement.
Use of this mechanism for non-urgent situations should be met with NoWithVeto.
Urgent situations must be clearly communicated as such with a corresponding Commonwealth post.

## Software and IBC Updates
Currently software-upgrade, cancel-software-upgrade, ibc-upgrade, update-client commands

Software and IBC updates are not required to be posted for review.
The coordination of Software Upgrade proposals is typically carried out in more direct channels between Developers and Validators and may be subject to sudden changes in scheduling.
IBC Maintenance proposals are required when an IBC channel has become stale due to lack of use. Osmosis governance recommends that these proposals are discussed in direct channels between relayers to ensure that the settings are correctly configured.

## Routine Incentive Adjustment Proposals
update-pool-incentives proposals are routinely submitted via the incentives process wallet osmo1ahtwxyl7v5qu347u07lwxxkz4dpxpl48yr4une

Routine incentive proposals are not required to be posted for review.
All other incentive adjustment proposals will be treated as standard proposals and require a 3-day waiting period unless expedited.

## Resubmissions
Resubmissions of proposals previously seen on chain, such as authorisation for continued matching of External Incentives to a pool, confirmation of continuing incentivisation of a pool, or resubmitting a failed proposal after further discussion may reference the original Commonwealth thread with updated values. However, good practice would be to make a new post linked to the previous one.

# Recommendations and Clarifications

Proposers should actively seek and redirect feedback to Commonwealth by publicising their draft proposal.

Proposers should respond to commenters to address any concerns and adjust the proposal criteria in line with constructive feedback and Osmosis community sentiment.

Changes to the proposal should have a comment posted detailing the changes as this notifies participants that a change has occurred.

A proposal should ideally have reached a negotiated consensus that is likely to pass before progressing to chain.

Contentious proposals may still be loaded as long as the Commonwealth thread is available for a voter to reference for any counterarguments.

## CosmWasm Storecode Proposals

Code walkthrough sessions are recommended to ensure the deployment is secure through exposure to many eyes.

## Community Spend Proposals

Community Spend Proposals are recommended to be posted for review for at least 7 days.

## Parameter Changes

Parameter change proposals should include a link to a successful proposal on the Osmosis Testnet. This is to ensure that unexpected consequences do not occur from these rarely changed criteria, such as those from Proposal 337 that triggered a 5 hour chain halt.

Commonwealth Thread: https://commonwealth.im/osmosis/discussion/8276-proposal-standards-for-osmosis-governance