
Prop 430: Signaling Proposal for IST/OSMO External Incentive Match

Signaling Proposal for IST/OSMO External Incentive Match


This is a signaling proposal to re-include the IST pool OSMO/IST (#837) into the set of assets that receive OSMO liquidity incentives. After this proposal has passed governance, pool #837 will once again be added to the regular incentives program of Osmosis.


  • By voting YES on this proposal, OSMO stakers voice their support for adding OSMO incentives to the OSMO/IST (#837) on Osmosis.
  • By voting NO on this proposal, OSMO stakers voice their dissent in adding OSMO incentives to the OSMO/IST (#837) on Osmosis.


Pool 837 - OSMO/IST is currently incentivized with 450,000 BLD over 90 days from January 9, 2023. Inter Protocol’s IST token launched on 10/27 with the launch of Agoric’s JavaScript platform. After a week-long soft launch, the IST minting limits have been increased to 5m total IST. IST liquidity will be incentivized through the Cosmos ecosystem, with Osmosis being a critical early destination. The authors believe that it would be in the best interests of the community to incentivize an OSMO-IST pool to drive deep eventual liquidity and easy access from any other Osmosis token.

What is IST?

IST aims to be the premier decentralized stabletoken in the Cosmos ecosystem and eventually beyond. Inter Protocol is the first set of contracts launched on the Agoric blockchain using Agoric’s unique smart contract framework and Electronic Rights Transfer Protocol. Agoric’s model allows IST to expand contracts with IST minting capability easily, with fine-grained governance of key risk parameters such as minting limits. IST therefore has the ability to expand to a risk-weighted collection of stablecoin mechanisms and collateral.

For its MVP launch, IST prioritized peg stability and therefore launched the Parity Stability Module (PSM) contract as the first minting contract for IST. Each PSM accepts another Cosmos stablecoin and mints IST in exchange. There are currently six PSM contracts running, accepting DAI, USDC and USDT over both Axelar and Gravity bridges, each with different minting limits. Rationale for the current minting limits was explained by the elected governance committee here: https://community.agoric.com/t/ist-minting-limits-for-inter-protocol-mvp-launch/87/1

Additional PSMs may be added by governance to accept new IBC-accessible stablecoins. IST’s next iteration will include overcollateralized vaults, which will drive a major unlock for minting capability and allow the token to diversify away from bridge risk and stablecoin centralization risk.

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