
Prop 4817: Launching Terra Liquidity Alliance

Consistent with the objectives outlined in the Terra Liquidity Alliance (https://commonwealth.im/terra/discussion/20123-terra-liquidity-alliance), which Terra governance approved, this follow-on proposal aims to create three Alliances for Liquidity.

1. LUNA-Stable Liquidity Alliance with a Reward Weight of 10% will incrementally increase by ~25.9 % each week for 13 weeks from 0.5% to its final target of 10%.

2. LUNA-Project Liquidity Alliance with a Reward Weight of 5% will incrementally increase by ~12.2 % each week for 26 weeks from 0.25% to its final target of 5%.

2. LUNA-Blue Chip Liquidity Alliance with a Reward Weight of 5% will incrementally increase by ~12.2 % each week for 26 weeks from 0.25% to its final target of 5%.

For full details on this proposal, including helpful links, please see our post on Agora: https://commonwealth.im/terra/discussion/24385-launching-terra-liquidity-alliance