
Prop 353: Juno Communications SubDAO Funding Proposal (3 months)


As proposal #350 has passed and with the disbanding of the Charter, the Juno Communications SubDAO presents this funding proposal to continue the work it has been accomplishing since December 2022.

We have demonstrated that our subDAO can self-organize and effectively collaborate with other stakeholders and projects in the ecosystem. This collaboration has been instrumental in spreading the word about Juno and providing consistent updates and exposure. With your support, we can ensure the continuity of these efforts and backing the dedicated individuals behind them.

We are requesting funding with a total allocation of $12,000 from the community pool, to cover 3 months of July, August, and September.

The Juno Communications SubDAO currently consists of 5 members: Highlander, Camel, Max, Papayo, and Dimi. For this proposal, the funding distribution goes towards Highlander and Camel, who have been the most active dedicated contributors fulfilling the objectives of the SubDAO.

The SubDAO members are responsible in deliverable oversight and proposal voting to ensure achieving accomplishments up to the expected standards and justly protect the integrity of the SubDAO.

We firmly believe that securing funding for our dedicated contributors to compensate their efforts will significantly enhance Juno Communications SubDAO’s impact and ensure the continuous commitment to carrying out our objectives.


Up until now, our team has made significant strides in content creation and effectively spreading the message of Juno and its ongoing developments, all while operating with limited resources. Some of our notable achievements include:

  • Community Engagement: We have diligently kept the community informed and up-to-date by sharing relevant news through various channels, such as our YouTube channel and our Twitter account, as well as hosting biweekly community calls.
  • Community Growth: Our efforts have led to the attraction of new community members who have joined the Juno ecosystem due to the impact of our work.
  • Brand Management: We have actively managed Juno’s branding, ensuring a consistent and recognizable identity for the project.
  • Support for Juno Projects: As dedicated contributors, we have extended support to projects building on Juno, fostering a vibrant and collaborative ecosystem.
  • Public Communication: We have played a crucial role in engaging the community by administering Telegram, Discord, and other chat platforms. Through these channels, we consistently provide news and essential information.
  • Collaborative Efforts: Our team actively collaborates with other official SubDAOs to identify noteworthy developments and events. Subsequently, we promote these updates through press releases and social media, amplifying their impact.

Our work so far has been instrumental in promoting Juno’s growth, reinforcing its presence in the wider crypto community, and ensuring an informed and engaged community. With the support we are seeking, we can continue to build upon these achievements and drive Juno Communications SubDAO to even greater heights.

Sustained Activities of the Juno Communications SubDAO

In our ongoing efforts to fortify the SubDAO and its influence on the Juno ecosystem, we are committed to maintaining the following strategic initiatives:

  • Regular Twitter Spaces: We will organize Twitter Spaces on a bi-weekly basis, providing a platform for meaningful discussions and interactions with the community.
  • Content Creation and Snippet Production: Our team will continue to engage in content creation, extracting valuable snippets from interviews, community calls, and ecosystem events. These snippets will serve to effectively disseminate key messages and updates.
  • Support for Juno Projects: We remain dedicated to fostering strong relationships with projects within the Juno ecosystem. Through continuous support and guidance, we will showcase their contributions, fostering further growth within the ecosystem.
  • Global Community Outreach: A key focus will be on reaching out to Juno communities worldwide, aligning their efforts with the overarching narrative set forth by Juno Communications SubDAO. This alignment will contribute to a cohesive and consistent parallel communication approach.
  • Active Twitter Engagement: Devoting dedicated time to monitoring Twitter activity, we will seek out projects aligned with Juno’s interests to retweet and engage, further fostering community connections and awareness.

By diligently sustaining these endeavors, the Juno Communications SubDAO will continue to thrive, reinforcing Juno’s brand presence and ensuring that our collective efforts effectively contribute to the wider success of the Juno ecosystem.

Additional Roles and Compensation

Since the ending of the Juno Charter, Highlander and Camel have taken on additional roles to help Juno move forward with networking, business relations, and more. This proposal updates the terms of compensation for Highlander and Camel, reflecting their expanded responsibilities and continued commitment to the Juno Communications SubDAO.

Compensation Request: $4,000 per month for the Juno Communications SubDAO distributed to Highlander and Camel to cover all the needed tasks. This compensation is to cover their effective contributions enabled by their long-term dedicated commitment towards Juno and its commonwealth.

Detailed Responsibilities

  • Highlander: SubDAO Management, Project Coordination and Interviews, Conference Attendance, Video Production, Twitter Spaces Hosting, Networking, Business Relations.
  • Camel: Graphics Production, Tweet Writing, Recordings, Proposal Writing, Writing Supervision, Networking, Business Relations.

Previous Work Examples


Securing this funding will allow the Juno Communications SubDAO to continue its crucial work of 3 months in promoting Juno, engaging the community, and supporting ecosystem projects.