
Prop 47: Governance Proposal to Fund CPMS and Plex Faucets

If successful, this proposal will send 200,000 to a contract which will distribute canto evenly to the CPMS and Plex mainnet faucets. These faucets are responsible for the onboarding of thousands of new users per day. The faucets addresses are 0xDE00e9804518C18CDD65bF98838A5348daDFaADE (canto1mcqwnqz9rrqceht9h7vg8zjnfrddl2k7nhnjpt) and 0xcA4776f2Cc7974Bdca1E19dFB384161c78D0950F (canto1efrhdukv096tmjs7r80m8pqkr3udp9g0uadjfv) respectively.