
Prop 144: Convert Core 1 to an Official SubDAO

From the original Juno Tokenomics blog post:

> Approx 10% of the supply difference was allocated to the core-1 development reserve (multi-sig) address for the funding of core infrastructure development.

Core 1 (also know as Root) has helped make Juno into what it is today, a vibrant community and one of the leading chains in the Cosmos. At the same time, Core 1 has not been perfect. As Juno has grown it has increasingly become important to bring in more community representation and decentralization of responsibilities. Thus, Core 1 must evolve.

This proposal aims to make Core 1 an official Juno SubDAO, making it's membership an elected position with the potential to remove members that are no longer active, as well as giving the community direct admin ability. The SubDAO shall be funded by transfering the current Core 1 Develoment Reserve tokens to the new Core 1 SubDAO.

## The Future Core-1 SubDAO

Core 1 will continue to carry out its assigned mission of funding and leading development of Juno.

For ease of transition, existing Core 1 members will also be part of the new SubDAO:

- Wolf
- Dimi
- Jake
- Block
- Jack

In addition, two additional individuals Juno's Core contributors will be added:

- Maxjuno
- the-frey

Juno would not exist without them, and both have spent many sleepless nights in service of this chain.

Future members may be elected by governance, at any point members may be removed by governance if the community looses confidence in them.

## Implementation

This proposal will create an official Core-1 SubDAO with the individuals listed above as official members.

Upon the passing of this proposal, the existing Core 1 multisig will transfer any liquid funds to the new official SubDAO. The vesting funds remaining in the existing Core 1 Development Fund multisig will be transfered to the Official Core 1 SubDAO in a future software upgrade.

## Verifying the SubDAO Instantiation Message

Information on verifying and understanding the SubDAO Instantiation message and how it works can be found here. More info on verifying DAO DAO V2 Contracts and Code IDs can be found in the DAO DAO wiki.


By voting YES you approve that Core 1 should be transitioned to an Official SubDAO as described in the proposal above.

By voting NO you disapprove of the proposal in favor of things remaining as they are.

By voting ABSTAIN you ABSTAIN from making a ruling.

By voting NO WITH VETO you express that you would like to see depositors penalized by revocation of their proposal deposit, and contributes towards an automatic 1/3 veto threshold.