
Prop 424: Signaling Proposal for ATOM/stkATOM Stableswap Pool External Incentive Match


  • By voting YES on this proposal, OSMO stakers voice their support in matching external ATOM incentives on ATOM/stkATOM (#886)
  • By voting NO on this proposal, OSMO stakers voice their dissent in matching external ATOM incentives on ATOM/stkATOM (#886)

This is a signaling proposal to match up to half of the external ATOM incentives provided by pSTAKE (50 ATOM per day for the first 60 days) on the ATOM/stkATOM Stableswap pool (#886) in OSMO as per the latest matching program guidelines.

About pSTAKE

pSTAKE is a multi-chain liquid staking protocol that unlocks liquidity for staked PoS assets (eg. ATOM) by allowing you to earn staking rewards & participate in DeFi with staked representatives (eg. stkATOM).

Everything one needs to know about $stkATOM in Cosmos can be foundĀ here.

Website - pstake.finance/atom

Commonwealth thread: https://commonwealth.im/osmosis/discussion/9574-signaling-proposal-for-atomstkatom-stableswap-pool-external-incentive-match