
Prop 98: ATOM GROWTH DAO Growth & Developer Acquisition 2023

Change log

  • 2023-02-4 New post after a feedback cycle


On-chain submission redacted for length. Read Full Proposal here:

On Dec. 19, 2022, Cosmos Hub Prop 88 was accepted, and a tax was created to fund the community pool, ongoing. This large pool of capital is used for ecosystem growth through grants, development, and community building.

This new tax signals that the community is not content with the growth of the Hub, specifically for maintenance, development, grants, and funding.

With the signaling proposal of the V9 Lambda launch, Interchain Security (ICS), consumer chains, and Replicated Security are quickly becoming reality. A new narrative is emerging for the Cosmos Hub, a sustainable stream of real yield to $ATOM stakers. The Cosmos Hub has seen the emergence of 54 appchains.

The consumer chain narrative is new, untested, and relatively unknown to teams outside the Cosmos ecosystem. We will take on this challenge and change this.

Our 3 objectives:

  1. Make over 1,000 developer teams Cosmos-aware. Create a developer and project awareness campaign around Replicated Security, IBC, and the consumer chain narrative.

  2. Support Replicated Security. AlphaGrowth will find, educate, recruit, and deploy grants to 20 or more DeFi projects that will launch on consumer chains. We will help find, educate, and recruit 1–2 consumer chain candidates.

  3. Map infrastructure and utility for consumer chains and map, foster, and communicate increases in ATOM utility.


For more than 18 months, AlphaGrowth has helped acquire developers and dApps on behalf of ecosystems. In 2022, we helped source thousands of conversations and 40+ dApps deployed on Aurora EVM. In late 2022, we began working with Kava EVM to drive adoption of the DeFi narrative. Within two months, we helped drive 14 new dApps to Kava and continue to drive 10–15 dApps each month. Example projects we brought to different chains:

We have confidence we can help Cosmos Hub with awareness, execution, and impact.




Legal Setup

  • Base rate (one-time): 2,000 ATOM
  • Total cost: 2,000 ATOM

Map ATOM Utility – Ecosystem Evaluation Setup

  • Base rate (one-time): 4,000 ATOM
  • Total cost: 4,000 ATOM

Developer Acquisition Marketing

  • Base rate (monthly): 4,000 ATOM
  • Total cost (4 months): 16,000 ATOM

Support ICS-Monthly Business Development and Outreach

  • Base rate (monthly): 5,000 ATOM
  • Total cost (4 months): 20,000 ATOM

Reviewer Committee

  • Base rate (monthly): 2,000 ATOM
  • Total cost (4 months): 8,000 ATOM


Grant Deployment

  • Month 1: 10,000 ATOM
  • Month 2: 30,000 ATOM
  • Month 3: 30,000 ATOM
  • Month 4: 30,000 ATOM


All-In Cost

  • Total service fee (4 months): 50,000 ATOM
  • Total grants (4 months): 100,000 ATOM


Forum post link

IPFS link

Governance votes

The following items summarize the voting options and what it means for this proposal:

By voting YES, you indicate support for funding the ATOM GROWTH DAO.

By voting NO, you do not support this proposal.

By voting ABSTAIN, you formally decline to vote for or against the proposal but want to contribute to the quorum.

By voting NOWITHVETO, you consider this proposal malicious or harmful and would like to see depositors penalized by revocation of the deposit, contributing to an automatic ⅓ veto threshold.